show episodes
Tauche ein in die aufregende Welt des Basketballs mit Guido und Roman, den leidenschaftlichen Hosts von "Continental Courtside". In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um die EuroLeague, die zweitbeste Basketballliga der Welt, und natürlich um den faszinierenden Sport mit dem orangenen Ball. Guido und Roman, beide Basketball-Enthusiasten und Kenner des Spiels, bieten ihren Zuhörern spannende Einblicke in Spieler, Trainer und Teams der EuroLeague. Von den neuesten Spielen und Ergebnissen bis hin ...
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Kids Talk Church History

Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Inc.

Kids Talk Church History is a one-of-a-kind podcast where kids investigate the history of the Church. Over two thousand years ago, Jesus said: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” How has Jesus built and preserved His Church against all odds? Come with us on a trip through history to find the answer on Kids Talk Church History—a podcast in partnership with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
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The Divine Comedy (in Italian, Divina Commedia, or just La commedia or Comedia) is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri in the first decades of the 14th Century, during his exile from his native Florence. Considered the most important work of Italian literature, the poem has also has enormous historical influence on western literature and culture more generally. Dante represents the three realms of the afterlife in his three canticles (Inferno--Hell; Purgatorio--Purgatory; Paradiso--Parad ...
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show series
When young Thomas Goodwin and his friends went out to have fun, they decided to go to a funeral. Whether they had nothing else to do or were planning to sneer, the sermon Goodwin heard changed his life forever. Join Trinity, Emma, and Christian as they interview Dr. Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics …
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Continental Courtside ist zurück – und zwar lauter, größer und besser als je zuvor! Roman und Guido starten mit einem Knall in die 2. Staffel und bringen eine Menge HYPE mit. Nach einer langen Sommerpause lassen die beiden die Offseason Revue passieren und sprechen über alles, was in der Basketball-Welt passiert ist. Aber das ist noch nicht alles! …
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Have you ever heard of the Canons of Dort? In case you are wondering, they are not cannons fired by a commander named Dort. They are a set of explanations written in the 17th century to answer some protesters. But if you think that a meeting of pastors writing a list of explanations must be boring, be ready to be surprised as you listen to this epi…
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In this episode of Kids Talk Church History, we wrap up our fourteen-episode look at the Reformation, a momentous time that changed the history of the Church. As they did for the early Church and the Middle Ages, most of our hosts get together in this episode to discuss what they have learned and discovered about the period known as the Reformation…
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Who were the Puritans? Why were they called Puritans, and did they like this name? Did they always wear black? And what can we learn from them today? Join Sophia, Grace, and Linus as they discuss these and many other intriguing questions with their guest, Dr. David Hall, Bartlett Professor Emeritus of New England Church History at Harvard Divinity …
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Roman Catholics readily agree that God saves his people by grace, through faith, because of Christ. But is it grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone? Join Emma, Grace, and Christian as they discover the importance of that little word in the Protestant Reformation and in our churches today with the help of Dr. Scott Clark, professor of Church Hi…
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The Protestant Reformation swept throughout Europe in a way no other movement had before. There was great energy as people rediscovered the gospel - the good news of what Christ has done for sinners. How did the Roman Catholic Church respond? Find out the answer to this question with Emma, Grace, and Christian as they interview Dr Matthew Barrett, …
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" fassen Roman und Guido die NBA Finals zusammen und blicken zurück auf die großartigen Erlebnisse, die sie im Laufe des ersten Jahres im Podcasts erlebt haben. Zuerst analysieren die beiden Hosts die Höhepunkte und entscheidenden Momente der NBA Finals. Mit lebhaften Diskussionen beleuchten sie die…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" fassen Roman und Guido die spannenden BBL Finals zusammen und werfen einen kurzen Blick zurück auf die aufregende Saison 2023/24. Zu Beginn analysieren die beiden Hosts die Höhepunkte und entscheidenden Momente der BBL Finals. Mit lebhaften Diskussionen beleuchten sie die Schlüsselspieler, die tak…
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On November 2, 1561, the gatekeeper at the castle of Tounay found a package which had been thrown over the wall. It included what is known as the Belgic Confession, plus a letter addressed to King Philip II of Spain, who ruled over much of the Netherlands. The author of the letter and the Confession was a pastor named Guido de Bres. What did he try…
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In der zweiten Episode dieser Woche von "Continental Courtside" tauchen Roman und Guido tief in die Welt der NBA Finals ein. Diese Episode ist ganz dem Höhepunkt der NBA-Saison gewidmet, und es gibt eine Menge zu besprechen! Die Hosts beleuchten die Schlüsselspieler und ihre Leistungen. Von beeindruckenden Dreiern bis zu packenden Verteidigungsakti…
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In dieser spannenden Episode von "Continental Courtside" kehren Roman und Guido nach dem packenden Euroleague-Finale in ihr Wohnzimmer zurück und widmen sich den neuesten Entwicklungen im deutschen Basketball. Zunächst werfen die beiden Hosts einen genauen Blick auf die Halbfinals der Easy Credit BBL. Mit fundierten Analysen und lebhaften Diskussio…
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On June 27, 1638, Cyril Lucaris was ordered to board a boat, then strangled and thrown overboard. He was one of the most important patriarchs in the Orthodox Church. Why was he murdered? Was he really a Protestant? Join Emma, Grace, and Christian as they discuss this fascinating character with Rev. Mihai Corcea, pastor of the Evangelical Reformed C…
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In der finalen Episode der Euro League Saison 2023/24 von "Continental Courtside" lassen Roman und Guido das aufregende Euroleague Final Four Revue passieren. Das große Finale ist vorbei, ein Champion wurde gekrönt, und es gibt viel zu besprechen! Die Hosts analysieren die spannenden Spiele, die den Weg zum Titel entschieden haben, und teilen ihre …
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" holen Roman und Guido vieles auf, was in der Basketballwelt passiert ist, und blicken gespannt auf das bevorstehende Euroleague Final Four. Zunächst nehmen sich die Hosts die Zeit, um die Ereignisse der letzten Wochen Revue passieren zu lassen. Von packenden Spielen und überraschenden Ergebnissen …
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Was there a Protestant Reformation in Poland? Who was Jan Laski, the Polish Reformer, and why do so few people know about him? Why did he want a national church, and how did he influence the Reformation in other countries? Join Emma, Grace, and Christian as they discuss Laski’s fascinating story and the little-known Reformation in Poland with Dr. D…
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Growing up in a small town in southeast Scotland, John Knox could never have imagined that he would play a significant role in a powerful movement that transformed his country. From tutor to bodyguard to slave on a French galley, he was involved in some of the most crucial events of Scottish history before he turned 35. After a brief time in Englan…
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In 1536, an English priest and scholar was led from his cell to a place of execution, where he was burned to death on a pile of dry wood. His crime? He translated the Bible into English. His name is William Tyndale. Why would an esteemed scholar put himself in such danger just to see the Bible placed in the hands of all English people? And why woul…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" steigt die Spannung, denn Roman und Guido werfen einen letzten Blick auf die Euroleague-Regular-Season, erstellen ihre Playoff-Brackets und enthüllen ihre All-Defense und All-Euroleague Teams. Zu Beginn der Episode analysieren die Hosts ausführlich die letzte Runde der Euroleague vor den Playoffs.…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" stehen brisante Themen und spannende Ereignisse im Mittelpunkt, während Roman und Guido die Basketballwelt durchleuchten. Zu Beginn der Episode widmen sich die Hosts den Finalspielen der NCAA und küren die Sieger:Innen. Mit fesselnden Analysen und lebendigen Diskussionen reflektieren sie über die …
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Did the message of the Protestant Reformation reach Spain? If so, why was it completely repressed while other countries embraced it? Why don't we know more about the thousands of Spanish people who followed the Reformation? Find out all this and more as our hosts, Lucas, Linus, and Grace, interview Dr. Andrew Messmer, professor at the International…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" stehen bemerkenswerte Leistungen und spannende Ereignisse im Fokus, während Roman und Guido die Basketballwelt durchleuchten. Zu Beginn der Episode feiern die beiden eine historische Leistung in der Euroleague: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte erzielt ein Spieler unglaubliche 50 Punkte in einem Sp…
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In der neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside" nehmen uns Roman und Guido mit auf eine fesselnde Reise durch die aktuellen Entwicklungen im Basketballgeschehen. Zu Beginn der Episode werfen die beiden einen detaillierten Blick auf die Veränderungen im Rennen um die Euroleague-Playoffs. Mit fundierten Einschätzungen diskutieren sie über die Cha…
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In December 1560, Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre, displayed great courage by publicly professing her Reformed faith at a time when the larger Kingdom of France, to which Navarre was strongly connected, was firmly Roman Catholic. Join Lucy, Trinity, and Christian as they discover what happened after Jeanne's profession of faith and how the Reform…
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In dieser Episode von "Continental Courtside" nimmt uns Roman mit auf eine fesselnde Reise durch das Spiel zwischen ALBA und Monaco, während Guido und er einen Blick auf die aufregenden Entwicklungen vor den Playoffs in der Euroleague werfen. Roman teilt seine lebhaften Eindrücke und spannenden Erlebnisse vom Spiel ALBA gegen Monaco. Mit packenden …
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In dieser Episode von "Continental Courtside" nehmen Guido und Roman die Basketballwelt mit ihren aktuellen Entwicklungen und Schlagzeilen unter die Lupe. Zunächst feiern sie den Erfolg von ALBA, das sich den ersten Platz in der Toyota Basketball Bundesliga der Damen gesichert hat. Mit lebhaften Analysen und enthusiastischen Kommentaren würdigen Gu…
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When we think of the Protestant Reformation, we usually think of countries like Germany, Switzerland, England, and the Netherlands. We rarely think of Italy. And yet, a Reformation started there too, but was quickly crushed by the Roman Catholic Church. What most people don't know is that teachings like justification by faith were not officially co…
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In dieser Episode von "Continental Courtside" sind Guido und Roman zurück, um über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Basketball zu diskutieren und ihre spannenden Erlebnisse zu teilen. Zunächst werfen die beiden einen detaillierten Rückblick auf Runde 27 der Euro League. Von überraschenden Siegen bis hin zu dramatischen Niederlagen - Guido und Roman ne…
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In dieser Episode von "Continental Courtside" nehmen dich Guido und Roman mit auf eine Reise durch die Basketballwelt, während sie die Gründe für die Pause in der Euro League erkunden und einen Blick auf die aufregenden Entwicklungen in anderen Ligen werfen. Zu Beginn der Episode tauchen die beiden Hosts ein in die Welt der Pokalwochenenden in den …
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Die Spannung steigt, denn in dieser Episode von "Continental Courtside" ist es Zeit für das zweite Power Ranking der EuroLeague-Saison! Roman und Guido sind zurück, um die Leistungen der Teams zu bewerten und ihre Platzierungen zu aktualisieren. Doch wer klettert nach oben und wer muss seinen Platz abgeben? Die Hosts beginnen mit den Teams, die sic…
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Who was John Calvin, and why was he important in church history? Was he a killjoy, as some people say (and some portraits make him look)? What does the word predestination mean, and why is it good news? Find out all these things and more with our hosts, Trinity, Christian, and Linus, as they interview their knowledgeable and enthusiastic guest, Dr.…
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Willkommen zur neuesten Episode von "Continental Courtside"! In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um frischen Wind und aufregende Veränderungen im Podcast, sowie um spannende Ereignisse aus der Welt des Basketballs. Zu Beginn enthüllen die Hosts Guido und Roman aufregende Neuigkeiten über den Podcast selbst. Von neuen Segmenten bis hin zu Rankings und …
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When we talk about the Protestant Reformation, most people remember Martin Luther and John Calvin. However, a third man had a significant influence at the start of the Reformation: Ulrich Zwingli. Join Trinity, Christian, and Linus as they travel back to Reformation Switzerland with their guest, Rev. William Boekestein, to discover who Zwingli real…
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Welcome back, basketball enthusiasts, to another thrilling episode of "Continental Courtside" with your hoops-savvy hosts, Roman and Guido. In this action-packed episode, the dynamic duo dives deep into the heart-stopping moments of Euro League's Round 23, setting the stage for an epic Round 24 and 25 showdown. Join Roman and Guido as they dissect …
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In today's podcast, Emma, Lucas, and Sophia begin their journey through the exciting time of the Protestant Reformation by discussing the life and teachings of Martin Luther with Professor Phillip Cary, author of the audio course Martin Luther, Gospel, Law, and Reformation. Was Luther really the spark for the Reformation? What made him stand out fr…
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Join hosts Guido and Roman on the latest episode of "Continental Courtside" as they dive deep into the thrilling highlights of Euroleague Round 22. The dynamic duo breaks down the pulse-pounding action, providing insightful analysis and passionate commentary. In this episode, the spotlight is also on NBA standouts making waves in the Basketball wor…
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Join Roman and Guido on this week's episode of "Continental Courtside" as they break down all the electrifying action from last week's intense Devil's Week matchups. The dynamic duo delves deep into the thrilling moments, unexpected twists, and standout performances that defined the week's basketball battles. Injuries are always a hot topic in the …
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For the first time, the hosts of Kids Talk Church History are joined by two listeners, Priscilla and Hosea, for a fun, lively discussion of favorite episodes, characters, and guests from their survey of the Middle Ages. Learn what encouraged them and what surprised them. And stay tuned for future opportunities to join our podcast!…
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Welcome to "Continental Courtside," the ultimate destination for European basketball enthusiasts! Join your hosts Guido and Roman as they dive deep into the heart-pounding world of Euro League action in this episode. In this thrilling installment, Guido and Roman take you on a journey through the latest double-header, exploring the unexpected derby…
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Welcome to a special episode of "Continental Courtside" – your go-to podcast for all things EuroLeague basketball! I'm your host, Guido, and today I'm flying solo as the one lonesome rider. But fear not, because I've got a fantastic treat for you – a special guest who knows Olympiacos inside out! Joining me today is the Olympiacos expert himself, G…
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Around the time that John Wycliffe and Jan Hus shook the Western church by challenging its authority and traditions, a lesser-known monk did something similar in Ethiopia. He was known as Abba Estifanos (in English, Father Stephen). How similar were his protests to the ones made by European Reformers? Why does the Ethiopian Church claim to have the…
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Welcome to "Continental Courtside," the ultimate destination for Euro League enthusiasts! Join your hosts Roman and Guido in this special New Year's episode as they kick off 2024 by delving into the thrilling world of European basketball. In this jam-packed episode, Roman and Guido take center stage to analyze and rank the top players of the Euro L…
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Welcome to "Continental Courtside," your go-to podcast for an in-depth analysis of the Euro League basketball action! Join your hosts Roman and Guido as they take you on a thrilling journey through Rounds 15 and 16, providing exclusive insights and perspectives from their live attendance at the ALBA vs. Fenerbahce game. In this special episode, Rom…
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Get ready for another thrilling episode of Continental Courtside with your favorite hosts, Guido and Roman! In this week's installment, the dynamic duo dives deep into the heart-pounding action of Round 14 in the Euro League, bringing you all the highlights, surprises, and standout performances that had basketball fans on the edge of their seats. B…
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We often hear of medieval men like John Wyclif and Jan Hus as forerunners of the Reformation. That means they had many of the same questions and ideas as those who started and carried out the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. These men saw some serious problems in the church and wanted to fix them, but were they really forerunners, or Ref…
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Welcome to "Continental Courtside," the ultimate Euro League basketball podcast hosted by the dynamic duo, Guido and Roman! Join us as we dive deep into the thrilling world of European basketball, recapping the high-octane action from the doubleheader week and dissecting the standout performances, game-changing plays, and unexpected upsets. "Contin…
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Welcome to another exhilarating episode of "Continental Courtside," the Euro League Podcast, where your hosts Roman and Guido take you on a courtside journey through the heart-stopping moments of Round 11. In this episode, get ready to relive the adrenaline-pumping excitement of huge upsets and overtime thrillers that left fans on the edge of their…
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Did you know many of our Christmas hymns were written in the Middle Ages or earlier? Join Emma, Christian, and Grace as they discuss these ancient hymns with Rev. Jonathan Landry Cruse, pastor at Community Presbyterian Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Rev. Cruse has authored many books, including one that’s coming out next fall, Sing in Exaltation, a…
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Welcome back to the Action for a deep dive into the exhilarating world of EuroLeague basketball. In this episode, join our basketball enthusiasts as they break down all the thrilling and intense matchups of Round 11. Get ready for expert insights, lively discussions, and in-depth analysis as we preview the upcoming games, and make bold predictions …
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Welcome to another thrilling episode of "Continental Curtside" with your hosts Roman and Guido! In this week's episode Roman and Guido kick things off with an extensive review of the latest Round 10 matches, providing insightful analysis, highlights, and standout performances. From nail-biting finishes to unexpected upsets, no stone is left unturne…
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