A weekly show hosted by Isyander & Koda. Focused on staying unfocused we cover a myriad of topics and take every chance to highlight our awesome community. Stick around for the ride.
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High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Unity, and more
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TBSラジオのradikoライブ配信、番組表、Podcastはこちらから↓↓↓ https://www.tbsradio.jp/live/ TBSラジオ「武田砂鉄のプレ金ナイト」内で放送しているコーナー。武田砂鉄が本にまつわる色んな話をする10分間です。ふらりと書店に立ち寄った気分でお聴きください。 制作:TBSラジオ TBS Podcastサイト:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/
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Passive Wealth Expert & Founder of Wealth Expertise Hub
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All the English episodes of Kodsnack - a podcast by developers, about anything interesting to developers
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Vsak ponedeljek zjutraj vtipkamo klicno kodo naših dopisnikov in sodelavcev ter preverimo aktualno dogajanje v različnih državah sveta.
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kode24-timen er kode24.no sin flaggskip-podkast: Hele Norges kodeshow, med Jørgen og Ole Petter! 😻 Hver uke preiker vi om løst og fast fra norsk utviklerbransje og kode24-metaverset, hyller det som hylles bør, fniser av det som fnises kan og slakter det som slaktes skal. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Kodsnack är ett poddradioprogram på svenska om utveckling, kodknackande och allt som hör därtill. Kodsnack drivs av Kristoffer Grönlund, Fredrik Björeman och Tobias Hieta
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Berean is a faith community in Kodiak, AK dedicated to glorifying God in all we do. We are a church filled with broken people passionately pursuing Jesus together. Podcasts are expository sermons preached on Sundays at Berean.
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Podcast o technicznej stronie tworzenia dokumentacji w IT. Skupiamy się na tym jak Tech Writer może wpasować się w środowisko programistów zarówno pod kątem sposobu pracy jak i używanych technologii, narzędzi i rozwiązań. Staramy się też pokazać, że praca Tech Writera może być ciekawa i rozwijająca pod kątem umiejętności technicznych.
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Dobro došli u podcast "Mame kod Lane". Moje ime je Lana, po profesiji sam glumica, a definitvno najveća, najzanimljivija i najluđa uloga koju igram je uloga mame pa se tako i rodila ideja za podcastom Mame kod Lane. Nadam se da ćete uzivati u iskrenim razgovorima bez filtera s mojim gostima, poznatima mamama i tatama, ali i stručnjacima iz raznih područja roditeljstva, koji su i sami roditelji te da ćemo zajedno dijeliti i izmjenjivati međusobna iskustva, izazove, uspone, padove, lijepe i ma ...
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„PIN kodas“ – paprasta ir smagi LRT RADIJO laida apie pinigus, ekonomiką ir verslą. Laidos vedėjai kiekvieną savaitę šalies miestuose ir miesteliuose klaus žmonių – kas jiems labiausiai rūpi ir ko jie visiškai nesupranta. Nuo mokesčių reformos iki brangstančių batų. Nuo valstybės biudžeto iki išlaidų Kalėdoms. Čia neišgirsite sudėtingų terminų ir nesuprantamų atsakymų. Laidos tikslas – parodyti, jog ekonominiai procesai ar asmeniniai finansai nėra neįkandami. Vedėjai įsitikinę, kad kai žinai ...
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This podcast contains all new shiurim that Rav Weinberger is teaching. Chaburas Yosef Hatzadik: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5Fc64oGrSvdwFapaQbKh1a?si=3U7L_0PDTSuU-oG-JH6jSw Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chaburas-yosef-hatzadik/id1733733775 Meshivas Nefesh: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7gYWWbvSNPBWwZ0CzFy5LZ?si=pGiv41WTSEqs4V6-l1li8Q Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meshivas-nefesh/id1733734464 Shaar Hagan: Spotify: https://ope ...
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Seinen eigenen Körper verstehen, und sich dadurch im eigenen Körper wohl fühlen - und das mit der eigenen Wunschfigur, ganz ohne physische Schmerzen oder mentaler Unzufriedenheit - Wünsche, die dir das ganzheitliche Verständnis über das System Körper mit all seinen Einflussfaktoren ermöglichen kann. Doch wie nehme ich ohne Verzicht und Jojo-Effekt ab, wie baue ich Muskulatur auf und wie werde ich meine physischen Schmerzen los? Wie schafft man es als vielbeschäftigte Person, seine Performanc ...
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Unlock the full spectrum of marketing with Marketing D-Koded, the podcast that empowers business owners with in-depth strategies and insights. Join co-hosts Daniel Kodam and Jackie Strack to dive deep in the world of marketing and emerge with a clear understanding of how to drive results for your business. You'll get the inside scoop on entire marketing strategies from concept to execution, giving you the tools and knowledge to succeed in today's competitive landscape.
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Podcast Sekolah Koding by Hilman Ramadhan
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Podcast o front-endových vývojářích a technologiích. http://bruskodu.cz/
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Cerita Inspirasi
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Welcome to the Kodacast, I’m gonna be talking in sports, shoes, sports, style, positive vibes, owning your own business, stepping out of your comfort zone. I hope you all enjoy 🙏🏻
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Om du är en tech-nörd som älskar att hålla dig uppdaterad med det senaste inom mjukvaruutveckling, någon som är nyfiken på "det där med programmering", en som pluggar just nu eller någon som har jobbat många år i branschen - då är Developers! podden för dig! Här får du möjligheten att lära dig om teknik, höra roliga rants, lära dig om livet som en utvecklare och allt som hör därtill. Men det handlar om mer än bara om kod, vi pratar också om allt från hur man gör ett bra intryck på en intervj ...
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Talking bout life, family, politics, and the systematic injustice that my fellow brothers and sisters face daily.
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Kaala koduma kathirava is a Tamil podcast channel , which is purely published to entertain and educate people on various subjects.
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Conoce en cada episodio los secretos de la kabbalah y la astrología kabbalistica.
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The crew from KODA get together and talk about some of their more risque stories and thoughts.
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I'm a newbie you would like to share and exchange information about Kodi
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Kodiak Radio's podcasts mixes on VirtualDJ
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Podcast by Kodesh Project
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Karena Apapun itu Pasti ada Kode Etiknya Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kodeetik/support
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Zapraszamy do wysłuchania podcastu Kod na Biegunach w którym rozmawiamy o IT z naszej programistycznej perspektywy. Prowadzą: Patryk Mierzejewski i Kamil Powałowski.
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Welcome to the cooky, spooky, terrifingly awesome mind of your friend...Kodey Bruce
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The KO'd podcast (@kodpdcast) features Jeremy, Ryan and Daniel talking sports (Chicago Bulls, Chicago Bears, Jay Culter, UFC, NFL, NHL, NBA, Chicago White Sox, Indiana University [IU] Basketball, Notre Dame Fighting Irish, football) and whatever else pop's into their minds.
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Gate. io
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Velkommen til vår podkastserie, «Kode med mening». Produsert av og med DIPSere (våre eminente ansatte), og laget for kunnskapstørste kodere, teknologer, helsepersonell, studenter og folk flest. Vi tar opp tema om og rundt den magiske symbiosen som oppstår i krysningen mellom helse, teknologi og mennesker, også kalt e-helse. Dive in!
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Menyampaikan kepada masyarakat naratif sejarah islam yang sahih berdasarkan Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah dan Manhaj Salaful Ummah.
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A bi-weekly podcast where three friends and passionate players discuss the world of Flesh and Blood. We will focus on competitive play, community building, and run off on plenty of tangential topics including entertaining casual builds and the TCG market. Hosts: - Adam Roach - Shey Ramsey - Drayton Ganz
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Welcome to Kodah's Kut, where I discuss what I think is wrong with the world and anything else I believe you should know about.
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Hashan Kodituwakku is a successful IT professional with over 15 years of progressive experience in IT services and security organizations, multiple degrees and professional development in computer services and information systems, deep knowledge of programming languages and operating systems, and an excellent record of work in infrastructure, software development and security systems
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This is Kodak’s podcast where we talk to creative people about their contributions to film, art and analog culture. We dig deep with our guests and find out what it really takes to bring a creative vision to life. Listen to these inspiring conversations.
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Podcast Filosofi Kode membahas seluk-beluk dunia IT di Indonesia mulai dari profesi apa saja yang ada, tips dan trik dari pelaku-pelaku industrinya, serta apa saja yang mereka gunakan sehingga lebih produktif.
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Pomagam rozwijać się programistom 👨💻
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Welcome to Kodawari Collective’s podcast, where host Nau Ho and the KC team sit down to talk and share stories about the automotive field. By connecting with people and brands that are passionate about their work, we get to learn and share how they’ve built their discipline to achieve that ‘Kodawari Mindset’, the relentless pursuit of excellence.
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ശബ്ദം ഒരു പ്രതേക അനുഭൂതി തന്നെ..
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Podcast tentang cerita developer, startup dan apa aja yang bermanfaat.
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Yea!, This podcast is my first. And I really had to begin with J.cole's album, I talked about the impact of the album and it's released date
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Celoteh apapun yang bisa di celoteh baik tentang hidup, kebahagiaan, lingkungan, masa lalu, masa depan daaaaan sebagainya. Jangan lupa comment di dm instagram saya @yogayuliantoro & yoga.yuliantoro@gmail.com ✌🏼 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yoga-yuliantoro/support
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Host Jeff "Vader" Brandon leads a small group of fighter pilots in search of better ways to win. Our mission is to connect the military's front line operators with America's leading edge innovators. Find out what part you can play.
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Podcast by Savy Techgirl
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A wide range of topics and guests from personal experiences to things going on in the world
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Vad föredras egentligen på svenska arbetsplatser, och varför? Är Windows fortfarande kung i företagsvärlden, eller har Mac och Linux en chans att konkurrera? En lyssnare berättar om sin kamp mellan macOS och Windows under sin utbildning, medan en annan lyssnare lyfter problemen med en policy som gör det krångligt att använda alternativa OS (läs Lin…
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https://www.patreon.com/isyanderandkoda You already know how to please the Machine Gods at this point so thank you so much. And make your voices heard for which faction you would like to see next! -Isyander P.s for those of you who want to send stuff our way. Thank you in advance. Po Box Isyander & Koda Po Box 1196, Tacoma, Wa, 98402, USA Anything …
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Jutri bo izšla biografija nekdanje kanclerke Angele Merkel z naslovom SVOBODA. Časnik Die Zeit je objavil nekaj odlomkov iz knjige, ki je menda nastajala brez peresa v senci. Nekdanja kanclerka je imela kar nekaj pomnjenja vrednih srečanj z Donaldom Trumpom, ki je bil vnovič izvoljen za predsednika ZDA. Se je Merklova glede njega izrazila diplomats…
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Biurokratija - liga, kurią JAV gydys Elonas Maskas ir kuri drebina Lietuvos politinį lauką. Bet ji valstybei reikalinga. Kokia dozė biurokratijos nesukelia neigiamo poveikio pažangai? Pokalbis su VU Ekonomikos ir viešojo administravimo fakuteto dėstytoja Živile Simonaityte. Taip pat laidoje – tūkstančio plataus masto karo dienų poveikis Ukrainos ek…
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Budući da je studeni mjesec prijevremeno rođene djece, u 40. epizodi MKL podcasta u goste nam dolazi "mama" svih palčića: Željka Vučko. Željka je majka četvero svoje djece, od kojih je troje rođeno prijevremeno tako da iz vlastitog iskustva zna što roditeljima takve djece treba i gdje nam sustav i društvo u tom kontekstu zakazuju. Njezino teško isk…
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On this episode of Marketing D-Koded, Jackie and Daniel tackle what every business needs to know about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Daniel begins by addressing the confusion surrounding what SEO truly entails and emphasizes that many business owners and marketing directors often misunderstand it. He explains that SEO, or Search Engine Optimiza…
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Advent of code är snart här igen - vill du vara med och lösa problem? Hoppa in i vår Slack-kanal, dela dina lösningar i vårt Github-repo och maximera adventsmyset på alla sätt. Eller luta dig tillbaka och spana på vad andra gör, valet är ditt! Ett stort tack till Cloudnet som sponsrar vår VPS! Har du kommentarer, frågor eller tips? Vi är @kodsnack,…
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Tomsconsult er episodens sponsor! Hør rabattkoden som gir deg 69% rabatt hele desember. Michael Odden kommer på kode24-dagen! Kjøp billetter på kode24-dagen.no for 0% rabatt. Jørgen har funnet en ny YouTube-kanal: https://www.youtube.com/@harkeofficial. Ole Petter har begynt å interessere seg for Goa-musikk og UFO-er igjen. Protectia nekter for at …
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In dieser Folge spricht David über die Apple Watch und ob sie wirklich ein hilfreiches Tool zum Abnehmen ist – oder doch nur ein teures Gadget. David teilt seine persönlichen Erfahrungen und erklärt: Welche Funktionen der Apple Watch wirklich nützlich sind Warum die Genauigkeit der Kalorienverbrauchs-Daten oft nicht ausreicht Wie du deine Energiebi…
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Everything You Need To Know About Hive Cities | Warhammer 40k Lore
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https://www.patreon.com/isyanderandkoda You already know how to please the Machine Gods at this point so thank you so much. And make your voices heard for which faction you would like to see next! -Isyander P.s for those of you who want to send stuff our way. Thank you in advance. Po Box Isyander & Koda Po Box 1196, Tacoma, Wa, 98402, USA Anything …
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00:00 Introduction 00:56 The Significance of Esav and Yishmael 02:33 Understanding the Current Galus 04:57 Historical Context and Teachings of Rebbe Chaim Vital 06:32 The Unique Nature of Galus Yishmael 12:31 The Unholy Alliance of Esav and Yishmael 18:16 The Role of Persia and Modern Implications 26:37 The Danger of the East-West Union 30:52 The F…
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Fredrik talks to Pedro Abreu about the magical world of type theory. What is it, and why is it useful to know about and be inspired by? Pedro gives us some background on type theory, and then we talk about how type theory can provide new ways of reasoning about programs, and tools beyond tests to verify program correctness. This doesn’t mean that a…
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Fredrik talks to Pedro Abreu about the magical world of type theory. What is it, and why is it useful to know about and be inspired by? Pedro gives us some background on type theory, and then we talk about how type theory can provide new ways of reasoning about programs, and tools beyond tests to verify program correctness. This doesn’t mean that a…
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In dieser Folge begrüßt David die erfahrene Personal Trainerin und Gesellschafterin von Fitteam Personal Training, Sarah Fründt. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über Sarahs inspirierende Reise als Quereinsteigerin in die Fitnessbranche, die Bedeutung von Teamwork und was es braucht, um als Coach langfristig erfolgreich zu sein. Themen dieser Episode: Sarahs…
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In the first full-length episode of this season, we go back to basics as Senior iOS Dev Mani Ramezan takes us through, step by step, how to come up to speed on a large code base. Whether you’re just starting a new role or beginning to contribute to a new open source project, listen along to learn some useful tips. [Subscribe in Apple Podcasts] [Lis…
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00:00 Introduction 00:55 Learning from the Sfas Emes 01:28 The Ten Tests of Avraham Avinu 04:35 Avraham's Legacy and Our Challenges 08:27 The Story of the Innkeeper 12:39 The Message of Baal Shem Tov 15:39 The Strength of Avraham Within Us 19:30 Facing Modern Challenges 23:13 Connecting to Our Ancestors 28:08 The Importance of Ten 31:03 Choosing th…
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Send us a text This fall, we are teaching through through the book of James. I am excited to unpack this little Epistle with you! James is a book about putting your faith into practice. James doesn't struggle with application; in fact, this book likely has more in common with the book of Proverbs than other New Testament letters. It's not that Jame…
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W przeszłości wielokrotnie dzieliliśmy się naszymi przemyśleniami na temat docs as code i CCMSów. Dlatego zamiast po raz kolejny głosić nasze zamiłowanie do rozwiązań niepochodzących od vendorów, postanowiliśmy zapytać innych o ich doświadczenia. Udało nam się znaleźć kilka osób, które uczestniczyły w migracji z CCMSa do docs as code i zgodziły się…
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In dieser Folge nimmt David Bachmeier, TÜV-zertifizierter Personal Trainer, das Thema Saftkuren unter die Lupe. Viele Menschen schwören auf die entgiftende Wirkung und die einfache Möglichkeit, Gewicht zu verlieren – doch wie effektiv ist diese Methode wirklich? David beleuchtet die Vorteile, Risiken und Herausforderungen und gibt praktische Empfeh…
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欲望をいかに管理されたかPor TBS RADIO
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00:00 Introduction and Apologies 00:47 Acknowledgements and Gratitude 01:10 The Deceptive Nature of Challenges 05:05 Understanding Relapse and Its Impact 08:36 The Tactics of the Yetzirah 20:49 The Role of Sadness and Depression 27:38 The Importance of Continuous Effort 29:40 Connecting to the Teachings of Tzaddikim 37:47 Conclusion and Final Thoug…
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00:00 Introduction 00:30 Understanding Katnus: A Time of Purposeful Avodah 02:17 The Importance of Serving Hashem During Katnus 04:32 Historical Context and Examples of Katnus 08:28 The Role of Katnus in Personal Growth 27:51 Applying the Lessons of Katnus to Marriage 42:59 Concluding Thoughts and Final Reflections Join the Aish Kodesh WhatsApp Sta…
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00:00 Introduction to Chofesh and Kedusha 00:27 Perception of Restrictions in Yiddishkeit 02:41 Struggles with Religious Obligations 05:36 Incentives to Attend Shul 08:10 Choosing the Right Path in Life 17:01 Lessons in Self-Control and Patience 23:56 The Struggle for Self-Control 24:41 Discovering Your True Self 26:57 The Beauty of Shabbos and Tor…
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Aurora Sharff forteller hva hun skal snakke om på kode24-dagen. Jørgen har kjøpt seg verdens dyreste snøfreser. Ole Petter har begynt å ta banen til jobb. Eivind "PizzaGutt" Nygård mener hjemmekontor er tilrettelegging for funksjonsnedsatte. Fire utviklere slutta i Airthings, men "ble i praksis trua med oppsigelse". Webhuset advarer: «Hold deg unna…
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Vi firar nostalgi och framtid! Vi pratar om att World of Warcraft fyller 20 år, att animen (och inte manga som vi råkade säga i avsnittet) Arcane, baserad på League of Legends, är tillbaka med säsong två, och att bildredigeringsprogrammet GIMP släpper sin första stora uppdatering på 20 år. Vi har också varit på Øredev! Vi delar våra höjdpunkter frå…
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In dieser Folge des Podcasts begrüßt David den Unternehmer Thorsten, der seit über neun Monaten mit ihm als Personal Trainer zusammenarbeitet. Thorsten teilt seine beeindruckende Reise, die ihn zu mehr Fitness, Energie und Lebensqualität geführt hat. Highlights: Thorstens Ausgangssituation und Herausforderungen zu Beginn der Zusammenarbeit Wie er e…
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Fredrik, Petter, och Lars sammanfattar intryck från årets Øredev. Vi diskuterar bra presentationer, och allt bra man får ut som både ny utvecklare och erfaren av alla människor man kan prata med mellan presentationerna. Efter att ha snackat om Petters favoritpresentationer glider vi över i en diskussion om andra fördelar man som junior får av att g…
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In dieser Episode taucht David ein in die wohltuende Welt des Saunierens. Er erklärt, wie du das Beste aus deinen Saunabesuchen herausholen kannst – von den gesundheitlichen Vorteilen über die richtige Technik bis hin zu häufigen Fehlern, die es zu vermeiden gilt. Erfahre: Die gesundheitlichen Vorteile des Saunierens für Körper und Geist. Wichtige …
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Zagotovo je v preteklih dneh v Sloveniji odmevala odločitev goriškega občinskega sveta, da Benitu Mussoliniju ne odvzame naziva častnega občana. Kako so polemiko spremljali naši rojaki v Furlaniji Julijski krajini? V Trstu so obeležili 50-letnico Slovenskega raziskovalnega inštituta, na zadnji novembrski dan bo odprtje tradicionalnega Miklavževega …
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Send us a text This fall, we are teaching through through the book of James. I am excited to unpack this little Epistle with you! James is a book about putting your faith into practice. James doesn't struggle with application; in fact, this book likely has more in common with the book of Proverbs than other New Testament letters. It's not that Jame…
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アメリカのエンタメから考えるPor TBS RADIO
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Donaldui Trumpui grįžtant į Baltuosius rūmus, klausimų kyla ne tik apie jo užsienio politiką, bet ir žadamus ekonominius pokyčius. Kaip jie paveiks Europą ir Lietuvą? Pokalbis su investuotoju Tautvydu Marčiulaičiu. Taip pat laigoje - kodėl auga prabangaus maisto vagystės? Komentuoja saugos tarnybos "ES security" įkūrėjas Edvinas Rajuncas. Ir pasako…
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Chapters 00:00 Introduction to the Concept of Kedusha 01:49 The Paradox of Torah and Freedom 04:36 Personal Reflections and Sharansky's Story 08:34 The Dangers of Unrestrained Freedom 17:12 Balancing Love and Discipline in Yiddishkeit 29:18 The Debate on Borders and Discipline 31:29 The Role of Self-Control in Society 31:57 Qualifications and Criti…
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Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:24 Experiencing the Teachings of the Tzaddik 01:38 The Concept of Katnus 03:16 Understanding Katnus in Personal Growth 04:46 Challenges and Misconceptions of Katnus 06:24 Katnus as a Prelude to Greatness 14:34 The Role of Katnus in Overcoming Despair 18:00 Katnus in the Context of Current Events 23:16 Reflections on P…
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Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Acknowledgements 01:17 Understanding the Struggles of Repetition 02:00 The Danger of Self-Perception as a Failure 03:00 Losing Interest and Excitement 04:38 The Cycle of Effort and Disappointment 08:49 The Charlie Brown Analogy 17:40 The Mistake in Thinking: Defeating the Yetzer 26:48 Desperation and Longing for a Gr…
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In dieser Episode spricht David Bachmeier über ein innovatives Gadget, das immer beliebter wird: den Oura-Ring. Erfahre alles über seine Hauptfunktionen, von Aktivitätstracking über Schlafanalyse bis hin zur Stressbewertung, und wie er im Alltag konkret unterstützen kann. David teilt außerdem seine persönlichen Erfahrungen aus drei Jahren intensive…
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Understanding Spiritual Highs and Lows: The Maimer on Yimei Katnus In this episode, Rebbe introduces a new maimer in 'b'yam darkecha' after finishing 'simcha.' The discussion focuses on spiritual highs and lows, or 'Yimei Katnus,' that people experience post-Yom Tovim, particularly in the month of Marcheshvan. The speaker explains how these are tim…
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#232: Domenshop-drama, juleønsker og Visual Basic-mimring 🥰
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kode24-dagen er kvartveis utsolgt. Jørgen har funnet fram til årets julegaveønsker, og lest en bok om utedoer. Ole Petter har en ide til en slags barnebok rollespill-greie han håper du forstår. Domeneshop-kunder takka nei, men fikk regning på 5.000 kroner Computas om hjemmekontor: – Trenger ikke styre dette fra toppen Hurra: Visual Basic er tilbak…
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Ska man stanna som konsult eller hoppa till ett produktbolag för att känna mer ägarskap? Den frågan kommer från Sebastian, en fullstackutvecklare som känner att konsultrollen inte riktigt ger honom den långsiktiga motivation han söker. I detta avsnitt gräver vi i skillnaderna mellan att vara konsult och att arbeta på ett produktbolag. 🤓 Svårighetsn…
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Fredrik snackar Postgresql med Svante Richter. Är Postgresql gravt underanvänd när man tänker på allt databasen klarar av? Är vi onödigt rädda för att låta databasen sköta om saker, och vad beror det i så fall på? Vad händer när man försöker ersätta hela sitt backend med Postgresql? Och vad vill man möjligen inte ha Postgresql till? Inspelat under …
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V Belgiji danes ne praznujejo Martinovega, imajo pa državnik praznik, ki je vezan na konec prve svetovne vojne. Ali belgijsko vinogradništvo res doživlja razcvet? V Klicni kodi smo skočili tudi v Francijo, od koder je prišla novica, da so se v zvonikih znamenite pariške katedrale Notre Dame spet oglasili njeni zvonovi. Kdaj bo odprtje katedrale?…
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Send us a text This fall, we are teaching through through the book of James. I am excited to unpack this little Epistle with you! James is a book about putting your faith into practice. James doesn't struggle with application; in fact, this book likely has more in common with the book of Proverbs than other New Testament letters. It's not that Jame…
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Hi Are you ready to build financial peace and security? For salaried employees, passive income is the key to freedom! 💸 Imagine earning without clocking extra hours, building wealth effortlessly. Listen to this podcast toward generating the passive income methods and strategies clearly explained , So please start implement today to scale your curre…
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国際都市・長崎に残された資料が映し出す江戸時代のリアル。Por TBS RADIO
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Kinijos ekonomika susipynė tarp komunizmo ir kapitalizmo, todėl šalis pradėjo klupti. Ar tikrai įmanomas ilgalaikis klestėjimas komunizme, pabarstytame laisvos rinkos blizgučiais? Pokalbis su ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universiteto mokslininku Mariumi Kušliu. Taip pat laidoje apie nuodėmių mokestį. Ar mažėjantis tabako, alkoholio ir degalų vartojima…
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In dieser Episode spricht David mit Philipp Marschall, Personal Trainer und Geschäftsführer von Team Personal Training am Bodensee. Philipp gibt Einblicke in seine Arbeit, besonders im Hochleistungssport, und wie sich diese auf den Alltag von Unternehmern übertragen lässt Die beiden thematisieren die Zukunft der Branche, den Einfluss von Künstliche…
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kode24-dagen-billettene er til salgs, på ekte. En annen Jørgen har meninger om hettejakker på jobben. Ole Petter ler av humor han ikke vil le av. Jørgen har vært på Spillexpo. Dagsavisen raser etter å ha tapt ulovlig domene på loddtrekning. Hjemmekontor GJØR folk mer effektive, viser nye tall, men kranglinga fortsetter likavæl da. Flutter er død, m…
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Madde har ett nytt spännande jobb och Sofia uppdaterar oss om ChatGPTs senaste drag för att utmana Googles dominans inom sökmotorvärlden. Vad kommer detta innebära för framtiden kring hur vi hittar information online? Huvudnumret i det här avsnittet är vår diskussion om nio lagar varje utvecklare borde känna till. Och nej, det handlar inte om tråki…
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In dieser Episode spricht David mit seinem Klienten Alexander, der vor sechs Monaten mit dem Ziel zu ihm kam, Gewicht zu verlieren und gesunde Routinen zu entwickeln. Alexander, Führungskraft und Familienvater, teilt seine Motivation, langfristig fit zu bleiben und für seine Kinder aktiv da zu sein. Highlights der Episode: Erfolge im Coaching: Über…
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Gošća 39. epizode podcasta je Lucija Lugomer, poznata hrvatska plus-size manekenka i influenserica. Svojim promicanjem body-positivity pokreta, inspiracija je mnogim ženama diljem Hrvatske, a osim uspjeha u modnoj industriji, ostvarila se u još jednoj važnoj ulozi: onoj majke. Sa suprugom ima dva sina – trogodišnjeg Leona i malog Noela koji se rodi…
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